Wing Chun Program - Tai Yin Wing Chun
Welcome to the page dedicated to the Wing Chun Program of our Tai Yin Wing Chun school, located in Labastide Saint-Pierre, between Montauban and Toulouse. Below, you can discover our complete Wing Chun training program, tailored to every level, designed to help each practitioner achieve their martial and personal goals.

Wing Chun ProgramOur Wing Chun Program is structured around different levels of progression, allowing students to acquire the skills needed for each stage of their learning. Each year is marked by exams that evaluate individual progress and validate acquired skills. Two Exams per Year - December and JuneYear 1 - White T-Shirt- Sui Nim Tao
- Physical conditioning
- Preparation for dummy practice (beginner)
- 4 levels of Chi Sao
- One hand - Dan Chisao
- Two hands - Coordination techniques
- Change of direction - Combat adaptability
- Push - Techniques for controlling the opponent
- Combat: Beginner movement set
Year 2 - Gray T-Shirt- Chum Kiu
- Chum Kiu kicking techniques
- Preparation for dummy practice (complete form)
- 20 movements (out of 100) of the dummy form
- Combat: Intermediate movement set
- Sui Nim Tao on one leg
- Introduction to pole practice
Year 3 to 5 - Black T-ShirtYear 3- Diagonal stepping
- Biu Jee
- 80 movements (out of 100) of the dummy form
- Combat: Advanced movement set
- Start of pole and knife form
- Review of the first two forms
Year 4 and 5- Combat: High-level movement set
- Training in dummy movement for combat
- Advanced kicking techniques
- Mastery of pole and knife forms
Qi Gong Forms- Tai Yin Wing Chun - Qi Gong techniques to strengthen internal energy
Small Noi Cong Forms (Modified Hong Gia Vietnam)- 18 hands
- Crane
- Tiger
- Snake
- Leopard
- Dragon
These forms are applied during combat sessions and footwork exercises to improve the fluidity and efficiency of movements. | Wing Chun Techniques GlossaryBasic Wing Chun Stance - Yee Gee Kim Jeung Ma: The goat clamping stance on two lines (used at the beginning of Siu Lim Tao)
- Yat Gee Kim Yeung Ma: The goat clamping stance on one line (guard during classic footwork)
Forms and Techniques - Siu Lim Tao: Little Idea Form
- Chum Kiu: Seeking the bridge (passing the arm)
- Biu Jee: Thrusting fingers (dart finger)
- Yat Ji Kuen or Choy: Basic punch
- Lap Sao: Grabbing hand
- Tan Sao: Spreading hand, open
- Tiam Sao: Cutting hand
- Huen Sao: Circling hand (pronounced Roun)
- Wu Sao: Guarding hand
- Fook Sao: Controlling hand
- Pak Sao: Slapping hand
- Fak Sao: Sweeping hand
Striking and Defense Techniques- Jut Sao: Jerking hand
- Taat Sao: Whipping hand
- Gum Sao: Pressing hand, palm down
- Tarn or Tie Sao: Wrist striking hand
- Biu Sao: Thrusting hand (pronounced Piou)
- Man Sao: Searching hand
- Kan Sao: Forearm block
- Bong Sao: Wing arm
- Lan Sao: Forearm block
- Jang or Jarn: Elbow
- Chau Kuen: Chum Kiu uppercut
- Po pai Jeung: Double palm strike
- Jeung: Palm strike
- Gerk: Kick
- Dang Gerk: Heel kick
- Wang Gerk: Side kick
- Bong Gerk: Wing kick
#Wing Chun Program, Tai Yin Wing Chun, martial arts Montauban, Wing Chun training Toulouse, Labastide Saint-Pierre